Other investment strategies focused on these disruptive themes seek to identify and invest in the "winners" which are disrupting the status quo (e.g., Google, Facebook, Salesforce.com). In contrast, we have developed proprietary processes and algorithms to identify the disruptees across the economy that are least able to adapt to technological change.
The Outvesting® strategy capitalizes on the impact of accelerating technological change across all industries. We focus on the effects of disruption on every industry and company and turn the traditional investing discipline “inside-OUT”. Our process identifies those industries and companies least likely to adapt to technological disruption and leaves them OUT of the portfolio.
Passive strategies are remaking the investing world. This inexorable trend creates systemic inefficiency as the rising tide is lifting many undeserving ships.
The nature of digital technology is exponentially driven and therefore fundamentally distinct from previous technological revolutions.
Markets do not effectively discount the disruptive effects of digital technology as humans are very poor in understanding exponential functions.
Industry incumbents fail due to good managerial decisions, lending a powerful quantitative advantage to deselecting laggards